Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tips For Preparing Kosher Meals That Are Delicious And Nutritious

By Donald Meyer

If you were raised in a Jewish household, kashrut is second nature to you. You don't have to think twice about what is permitted to eat and what isn't. If kashrut is new to you, the rules may seem confining and confusing. Instead of getting frustrated over what you can't cook, you should focus on all the food it is permissible to eat and get creative about preparing dishes. There are plenty of nutritious and delicious kosher meals that are easy and economical to make.

The local farmer's market is a wonderful source of foods that you can feed your family without breaking kashrut. The fresh produce you find there, like herbs, fruits, and vegetables will all be on your approved list. You must make sure they are clean and pest free however. If these were the only foods you were allowed to cook, you would have plenty of recipes to choose from.

Margarine is traditionally used in place of butter when baking and cooking pareve dishes. The problem you should have with margarine is that it's not good for you. It's loaded with transfat, and is on the low end when it comes to taste. You need to ditch the margarine and substitute something more flavorful, but still acceptable, like extra virgin olive oil.

Most big supermarkets have health food aisles, and you'll find them loaded with dairy free and gluten free products. If there's not a health food section in your favorite grocery store, try the local health food store. A benefit to you is that the food has all kinds of certifications. People who are serious about their health want to see genuine organic, vegan, and fair trade labels. You'll find kosher certifications here as well.

It is a lot easier to find specialty items in accordance with kashrut when you're in the city. Country Hebrews have a harder time diversifying their menus. Luckily anyone can go online and find approved delicacies like curry paste, Vietnamese fish sauce, and Manchego cheese, and have them delivered to their doors.

Another good idea is familiarizing yourself with international foods. This will open up a whole new dietary world. You should try Asian dishes, which tend to be dairy free. You can substitute approved meats for pork with no problem most of the time.

You also need to familiarize yourself with all the certification symbols, such as those put out by Kof-K and the Orthodox Union. Once you starting looking for them, you'll surprised at how often you find them on major brands. Other kashrut certifications are less familiar, but they are authentic. Learning about the symbols will give you a much wider selection of foods to choose from.

There are many foods that you can use in food preparation that don't necessarily have the qualifying certifications or a hechsher. These foods are just as acceptable in your recipes as those bearing the certifications. Included in this list are extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts, plain popcorn kernels, kosher meats, and pure unflavored honey and coffee. You should not be intimidated by kashrut. A better idea is to view it as a challenging opportunity to learn, grow and become a confident kosher chef.

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