Monday, August 7, 2017

Elements Of Authentic Cajun Restaurants Avon By The Sea

By Jennifer Bell

Many times over people and you yourself have been exposed to Southern State cooking and fare as shown on the internet or on cable television. Now you have a feeling you want to try some of this fare by visiting some Cajun restaurants Avon By The Sea. If you do a quick web search you will get a few hits here and there, and the skill is how to separate the fake from the true.

Before looking at these kind of restaurants you must now mistake Cajun food for creole food. The latter is a kind of cooking that uses complex sauces from the Old Country or Europe while the former is a kind of cooking developed in the bayous and marshes of Louisiana which also adds to its unique taste. Now that that is settled lets continue.

If you look at your internet search list, you will find quite a few with non French sounding or non Indian sounding names and you may even find some German named ones. These restaurant usually only serve a modicum amount of what you are looking for and they are more like smorgasbord bistros that deal with everything. In this case, it is always best to look at their online menus if they have them for you to judge their authenticity.

Gumbo is a must have on any menu and no upright person from Louisiana will say this should be omitted from the menu. Gumbo is basically the flagship of Cajun fare just as people will say the hamburger is the flagship of regular American fare or even the lowly hotdog. A rule of thumb for gumbo is the muddier the sauce or roux, the yummier and better it is.

Exotic and kind of weird dishes also exist in this kind of Louisiana fare. You should get a fair amount of frog legs and especially alligator meat all cooked up in different ways, which can include being fried, baked or stewed even. Wild game such as rabbit and even deer will make it into a Cajun menu. Be on the lookout also for a majority of dishes which will be a bit spicy as a lot of cayenne pepper is usually used in these recipes.

Should you feel menus are not the real indicators then do look at local forums that bring Louisiana and New Orleans folk together and try to get in a conversation about this kind of food. More likely than not they will point you in the right direction as to where to sample their favorites.

And should it be the rare case that on your hunt you find an establishment that has not been reviewed or existing on the internet as of yet, then do apply some of the things you learned here in this article to gauge its authenticity. Who knows, you may become an expert critic in some way or another.

Now that you know how to look for an authentic New Orleans fare restaurant, go on ahead and try to find one and enjoy. Remember that half of life is discovering and the other half is enjoying. Hope you have a great time looking for that authentic experience in Avon By The Sea.

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