Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why You Should By Elk Steaks Online

By Olive Pate

Generally speaking, health-conscious Americans are always on the lookout for ways of improving their diet so they can live longer, feel better and do more. One of the newer pieces of diet advice that is currently sweeping the planet is to eat more meat from grass-fed cattle, as opposed to the more common, mass-produced technique of feeding cattle on cheaper, less space-intense, cereal grains. Buying elk steaks online is one way to ensure you are eating meat from animals that have been raised on acres of pasture land.

Underpinning the Paleo Diet is the assumption that the human digestive system had evolved to suit a hunter-gatherer diet. The digestive enzymes necessary to metabolize dairy products and grains had not yet evolved nor, apparently, have they to date. The human diet has evolved faster than its digestive system.

You can't tell by looking at them, even when they are standing right up next to each other in front of you. The proteins in one are certainly similar to those in the other; these have been genetically programmed. What is different, however, is their complement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Grass-fed meat has powerful ethical, health and environmental reasons for being selected over mass produced meat from cereal consumers.

There are three polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are essential to human health but that cannot be manufactured within the human body. These are omega-3 and omega-6. While both are essential, the ratio of one to the other is also very important. Omega-3 fatty acids help us to fight coronary artery disease, immune system disorders, arthritis, hypertension, cancer and others. These PUFAs need to be incorporated into the diet if we are to get the benefits from them.

Cattle fed on grass are also more lean than their cereal-consuming counterparts. Compared to their Fruit Loop-munching cousins, pasture fet cows also have a 7% total fatty acid content, compared to a scant 1% in grain-fed creatures.

Cows, sheep, deer and other animals that feed on grass are able to break it down and convert it into flesh, which humans are able to eat. Humans are unable to convert grass to anything useful. Therefore, eating grass-fed meat exposes us to a wider range of nutrients than we get from grain-fed beef.

There are ethical considerations, as well. Sheep raised on pasture have happier lives than those fed with cereal. This is because they have acres of space in which they are allowed to roam free. Life in a CAFO, or confined animal feed lot, do not have this same privilege. Because they are crammed together in a limited space, they are susceptible to more bacterial infections. These contaminants enter the food chain, where they have the capacity to kill you.

Elk meat is naturally low in fats and cholesterol and rich in protein. The meat is dark and red in color. Because it has a strong, beefy flavor of its own and because it is naturally tender, it does not need to be marinated before cooking.

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