Thursday, July 16, 2015

Who Can Buy Wild Edible Plants

By Phyllis Schroeder

Trying a new diet or new lifestyle is a way to improve your health. A vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. You dont have go to extremes. Simply eating chemical free foods is a good place to start.

Nature has its own medicine and cures to offer. When you buy wild edible plants of California, you can have seeds and berries that will give you vitamins and minerals. You will be amazed at what you can find when you walk around your neighborhood.

In California you can find gardens and nurseries. These places can sell you edible plants. You can check prices on their web sites and maybe even have them delivered straight to your house. That saves you from making a trip over to see these greenhouses.

When you buy from a garden you are assured that you are getting a good quality product. Only trained foragers should go out into the wild and pick the leaves and seed. You dont want to risk getting poisoned because you ingested the wrong plant. Leaves and flowers can look similar so it is better to purchase these from a company.

If you do your research, you will find that nature has its own cures and therapies to heal you. You can find plenty of books and web sites that can give you information on the healing properties of plants. There are some that can treat a cold or sore throat. There are others that can prevent diseases.

Asiatic dayflower is commonly known as an invasive weed. However, this variety has medicinal properties and every part of it is edible. It can treat tonsillitis and sore throat. It also has anti inflammatory and diuretic effects. It has been used in India and China because of its healing powers. This can be mixed raw in salads.

Chocolate lovers, listen up. Carob which can be found in a pod is a natural sugar. You can find it in health food stores because it is a common substitute for chocolate. You can have it in a smoothie or cake or cookie. It comes from a thirty foot tree in the Mediterranean but it is now almost like a native plant of North America.

Elderberries have so many uses. You can make wine and martinis. The flower can be used for jams and infusions. Only fully ripened berries must be consumed because partially ripe or green ones can be toxic. Olive trees which can be found in the San Fernando Valley can provide you another lovely gift from nature. Do not eat them straight away after plucking them from the tree. These need to be cured to remove the bitter taste.

You dont need pills from a doctor. Nature has its own way of healing and restoring your body. You can try alternative methods like adding these chemical free plants and seeds to your diet. You might see a change and find that you are getting good benefits from going all natural. It is best to get our vitamins and minerals from our diet so we dont have to keep drinking pills and supplements. Give natures pharmacy a try.

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