Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Mountain Spring Water Delivery Service Is Good For Your Family

By Essie Osborn

Unless you are fortunate enough to live adjacent to a mineral spa on your own back doorstep, Adam's ale bottled from a fresh source offers much better taste and quality. Every home and business should have a mountain spring water delivery service.

Your body is made up of nearly two-thirds H2O, so it does make sense that you should maintain at least this level of hydration during the day. It is recommended that you drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of it on a daily basis. Keep a glass or a bottle near you and sip from it throughout the day. If you wait until you are thirsty to get off your lazy butt and seek fluids, you are already on your way to performance-impairing dehydration.

Even a slight drop in hydration means a drastic reduction in performance at work, school or even at home. Homework aside, you wouldn't want to let your guard down against your opponents at your top RPG, would you?

Every organ throughout the human body needs to be properly hydrated for optimum healthy function. This means your kidneys, liver, heart, intestines and skin. Your brain is especially susceptible to reductions in fluid and cognitive function creeps up on you. It takes awareness to keep hydrated; your body loses water just by breathing.

The loss of fluid takes place by evaporation through the skin and in the processing of both urine and stool. This baseline fluid loss is aggravated by exercise, being at high altitude, hot weather and even by being an older adult; seniors have a diminished sense of thirst. Having the heating on in the winter season can cause dehydration. During hot weather, it is very easy to achieve dangerous levels of dehydration, even if you are just working on nothing more strenuous than your suntan.

Why is replacing water so important? Your body needs fluid for a number of essential processes. It needs water to make saliva, to transport, digest and absorb nutrients and for the maintenance of optimal body temperature. It is also critical to avoid becoming constipated. If your body gets the notion that it is not properly hydrated, your colon will take it back from the stool.

When muscle cells don't have adequate fluid, they become fatigued. When this happens, performance can suffer. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking about 17 ounces every two hours before exercise. Fluids should also be consumed during exercise at regular intervals in order to replace fluid loss that is caused by perspiration (okay, sweat in guys!).

The quality of the water you drink is every bit as important as the amount. While several acts of legislation passed in the 1970s ensure that community supplies are free from harmful microorganisms, this is at the expense of chemical purity. While the filters and chemicals used to keep supplies clean won't hurt you, they are certainly unappetizing. If what comes out of your faucet smells, tastes or looks funny, consider using bottled supplies, even for boiling things like pasta or potatoes.

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