Sunday, February 9, 2014

Live Better By Choosing Low Glycemic Snacks And Foods

By Jerri Perry

People who are not familiar with how foods are classified may not have heard of 'low glycemic snacks and foods'. Therefore, by reading the information below, you can learn about this term, and discover why it will be beneficial to you to choose foods that are classified as such. Most importantly, foods with carbohydrates that cause a rapid increase in the sugar levels of the blood have a high GI, and are less healthy.

Foods are measured by the glycemic index, or GI, which is a numerical indication of how fast or slow a food causes blood sugar levels to rise. The GI starts at 0 and goes up to 100. Foods that are listed with numbers higher than fifty are considered as worse to eat, while those under fifty and closer to naught will have a more desirable effect on the body's system. Some foods are rated in between the higher and lower GI indications, between 56 and 69.

Every person can benefit from a diet of foods that are considered to have a lower GI. These foods benefit children and grownups in many important ways. Diabetics, though, have no choice but to choose the right kinds of foods. Persons who have a greater chance of developing diabetes should also consider a healthier diet.

By choosing foods that have a lower GI, someone is better able to maintain their weight, or obtain a healthier figure, as they have less calories. Furthermore, some of the foods in the lower GI category are those with a high content of vitamins and minerals, which means they are good for your body. Children can greatly benefit from such a diet.

Young children who are not filled with artificial sugars and flavorings are calmer and less hyperactive. This means that they are more ready to learn, listen and behave. A child on a serious sugar high may find it incredibly difficult to concentrate at school, and may be restless. There is also some evidence that children with learning disabilities may benefit from healthier diets.

Be watchful of prepackaged snack foods. While some may be labeled with a good GI number, they may still not be a healthy choice of food. This is because they may be high in salt, saturated fats and calories. Also, do not categorize foods that are similar as having the same GI. For example, white bread will have a higher GI than wholewheat bread.

A person might choose lower GI foods for different reasons. When you simply want to watch your blood sugar levels, you can eat anything with a good GI, however, if you want to lose weight, only certain foods can be eaten. Pizza and candy bars, for example, have surprisingly low GI, but are not good for someone who wants to lose weight.

If you are interested in eating low glycemic snacks, you may need to do some research so that you know what to buy. Fruits and vegetables are good foods, as well as meat products such as fish and chicken. Don't expect high protein foods to label their GI, because they have such little carbohydrate content that they often have no labels in this regard, but they should be included in your diet.

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