Sunday, January 26, 2014

Basics Of Detox Diets Foods And Plans

By James Spann

Detox diets are meant to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and other contaminants. The diet enhances bodily functions and leads to better physical and mental health and fitness. Obviously, this holds true under the assumption that the diet will work as intended. But there's no guarantee, and it's most certainly not going to be easy.

This detoxification process is quite simple, since the aim is to deny the body harmful foods and beverages it has become accustomed to. For example, those who are addicted to junk food for breakfast or lunch may be required to replace it with salads. Those who wouldn't be harmed by adding on a few pounds may get a diet that calls for protein-rich full meals with whole grains that need little or no processing.

Some people have problems caused by excessive intake of beverages such as beer or sugary carbonated drinks. These patients need to be denied their daily fix, which is then replaced by healthy drinks such as vegetable smoothies and fruit juices that are all-natural with no additives or artificial flavoring. The beverage plan for some obese patients may be even more limited, with no drinks allowed except for coconut water or just plain water.

There's no set formula for such a diet, so it's entirely up to the dietitian to decide what's required and come up with a different plan for each patient. It's not an established science either, which means there are no guidelines or guarantees of results. It's entirely dependent on the dietitian's skills and the patient's own willpower.

A juice fast that lasts three days is one of the common detoxification plans often suggested by dietitians. During this fast, the patient must abstain from solid foods and is only given fruit juices. Another example is a one-week diet that consists of green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, olive oil and whole grains that are largely unprocessed. Some patients in serious need of nutrition may also be given fish as a part of the diet.

No matter what the duration or type, all detox diets have a few things in common. For instance, fried foods and dairy products are always excluded. Sugar is also eliminated, and so are most foods that contain a lot of sugar. Another common exclusion is for processed foods containing harmful additives, artificial flavoring and preservatives.

Some foods may actually be helpful in hastening the detoxification process. There are foods that contain heavy amounts of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, etc. One of these helpful items is garlic, which releases heavy amounts of sulfur compounds into the body. These compounds are extremely useful in clearing up toxins.

Lemons are another essential ingredient in detox diets since they contain a healthy amount of Vitamin C which prevents the buildup of toxins. Apples contain glucaric acid which gets rid of steroids, carcinogens and other toxins in the liver. These are just some of the most well-known items used in this kind of diet, and a professional dietitian should be able to pick and choose the best foods required based on the patient's condition and needs.

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