Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why Invest In Commercial Ice Makers For Your Busy Restaurant

By Bonnie Contreras

When you work in the hospitality industry, you will know that cool drinks are best served with ice. Most especially in summer, you will be getting through a large amount of cubes on a daily basis.What you need to eliminate then are all the trips to the store to buy bag of ready made cubes; commercial ice makers are what you need.

If you stopped and thought about the amount of money that you spend on ice every week in a busy summer month, you will see where you are eating into your profits quite substantially. Not to mention the trips to the store to buy ice, or the sheer amount of freezer space that you are taking up with bag after bag of ice. What you need is a cost friendly solution that will deliver you ice whenever you need it.

What is great about having a machine to make your ice is that it will only work when it needs too. A small commercial model will be smaller than a dishwasher, simply spitting out cubes until it is full. These machines will save you time, money, and whats more they produce perfect cubes all the time.

When you visit a bar and ask for a cool drink, you expect your cubes to be neatly lined up in the glass, all the same size; that is just how it should be done. When you have to take a trip to the store every time you need ice, you will often find that it starts to melt before you get it back to your premise. It will then refreeze and look ugly and often will not be use able.

Every time you go to get ice from your machine, think about how you are saving time and money on trips to the store. A machine can do the hard work for you, and it will indisputably save you time and money too. Choose between leasing and buying equipment, the choice you make suiting your budget and needs.

There are different sizes of machine available that you can choose from. The size of machine that you use for your premise will depend on how busy you are and on how much ice you use on a busy day. An ice maker will simply shut off when it is full, yet will keep the ice cool and the cubes in perfect shape.

You may even like to have an ice maker in your home. But, when you are a busy restaurant owner, having a commercial model can be vital in the long hot summer months. You ll be able to choose from a wide range of makes and model for sale or for lease, depending on your needs and on just how much you want to spend.

When you work in the hospitality industry, commercial ice makers can make a huge difference to the day to day running of your operation. Simply call your specialists today and discuss options for your premise. A representative will visit you to run through all the models available, allowing you to make the very best choice for your needs.

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