Friday, September 6, 2013

More Information About Juicing

By Allison Clark

One can get a lot of benefits from juicing that is why it is practices by lots of people already and more and more people are also trying it out. People have discovered that consuming fresh juice from fruits and vegetables is healthier and offers more health benefits compared to drinking soda drinks and ready to drink juices. One of the many advantages of juicing is that the body can quickly absorb the nutrients and minerals from the fruits and vegetables that is being juiced. We can therefore say that juicing has the ability to lessen the chances of acquiring illness and diseases that is most common in our society today and it also has the ability to improve nutrition and increase energy. Here are some tips that you can remember when juicing:

-Placing your juicer in the kitchen is recommended in order for you to be reminded every time to use it and consume fresh fruit and vegetable juice instead of ready to drink juices. This step will also help you to make it a healthy habit of making your own fresh juice and will also be more convenient for because you don't have to reach into the cupboard or any other place that you put your juicer into if you want to set it up and use it.

-Prepare and fresh fruits and vegetables that you are planning to juice by first washing them to make sure that they are free from dirt. Be reminded that washing fruits and vegetables by placing them under running water is recommended rather than soaking them in water. One should also keep in mind that it is advisable not to peel fruits and vegetables prior to juicing them since some of the nutrients are found under the peel, except for some other fruits and vegetables where the peel is inedible.

-There are some kinds of vegetables and fruits that will not fit the mouth of the juicer therefore you have to dice them depending on the size of the mouth of your juicer. Aside from making your juicing faster, it will also be more efficient. Removal of the seeds and pits, especially the large ones, from the vegetables and fruits is also necessary in order to avoid the risk of damaging your juicer.

-Fruits and vegetable juices should be consumed immediately after juicing since if you do not consume it immediately, tendency is that the juice will be oxidized when exposed to air. Oxidized juice usually turns to brown and has bad taste and the nutrients will also be wasted. In order to prevent the possibility of drinking oxidized juice you can either drink it immediately after juicing or put a spoonful of lemon juice to your fresh fruit or vegetable juice. But if you want to absorb the nutrients from the vegetables and fruits that you juice, drinking them right after juicing is highly-recommended.

-Cleaning your juicer right after using it is important. The shredder should be removed from the body of the juicer to clean it thoroughly. Aside from that, a small toothbrush may also be used in order for you to remove small dirt that may have lodged into the juicer. To facilitate easy cleaning, always clean your juicer right after using to make sure that the juice and pulp has not dried up.

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